22.04.2016 12:51
本文来源: 法制办
Decree of the People’s Government of Shanxi Province
No. 243
Measures of Shanxi Province for the Implementation of “Regulations on the Construction of Barrier-Free Environments” adopted at the 97th Executive Meeting of the People’s Government of Shanxi Province on September 8, 2015 are hereby promulgated and shall be effective as of October 15, 2015.
省长 李小鹏
Governor: Li Xiaopeng
September 11, 2015
Measures of Shanxi Province for the Implementation of “Regulations on the Construction of Barrier-Free Environments”
第一章 总 则
Chapter Ⅰ General Provisions
第一条 为加强无障碍环境建设,保障残疾人、老年人、儿童以及其他社会成员平等参与社会生活,促进社会文明进步,依据《无障碍环境建设条例》等有关法律法规,结合本省实际,制定本办法。
Article 1 These Measures are formulated in accordance with such applicable laws and regulations as Regulations on the Construction of Barrier-Free Environments, in light of the actual realities of this Province, for the purpose of enhancing the construction of barrier-free environments, ensuring the equal participation in social life by people with disabilities, elderly people, and children as well as other members of society, and promoting the progress of social civilization.
第二条 本省行政区域内的无障碍环境建设、管理等工作适用本办法。
Article 2 These Measures apply to efforts in the construction and management of barrier-free environments within the administrative area of this Province.
第三条 本办法所称无障碍环境建设包括,物质环境无障碍、信息交流无障碍和社区服务无障碍等方面的建设活动。
Article 3 The term “construction of barrier-free environments” as mentioned in these Measures includes construction activities in respect of a barrier-free material environment, barrier-free information and communication, and barrier-free community services.
第四条 县级以上人民政府对无障碍环境建设工作实行统一领导,组织编制无障碍环境建设发展规划,将其纳入国民经济和社会发展规划以及城乡规划并组织实施。
Article 4 People’s governments at or above the county level shall exercise unified leadership of the construction of barrier-free environments, organize the drafting of a development plan of the construction of barrier-free environments, incorporate the development plan into national economic and social development planning as well as urban and rural planning, and organize the implementation thereof.
People’s governments at or above the county level shall include the construction of barrier-free environments as part of the construction of model cities, model townships and villages, and model work units, and provide a mechanism for examination, reward and punishment.
People’s governments at or above the county level and other relevant agencies thereunder shall seek such social bodies as organizations of people with disabilities and elderly care services for their opinions when they work out development plans and policies for the construction of barrier-free environments.
第五条 县级以上人民政府住房和城乡建设主管部门负责本行政区域内无障碍设施工程建设活动的监督管理工作,并对无障碍设施工程建设情况进行监督检查。
Article 5 Agencies in charge of housing and rural-urban construction under the people’s governments at or above the county level shall be responsible for the supervision and management of construction activities in barrier-free facility projects within their respective administrative areas, and exercise the supervision and examination thereof.
Agencies in charge of industry and information, radio and television under the people’s governments at or above the county level shall be responsible for the construction of a barrier-free environment for information and communication within their respective administrative areas.
Agencies in charge of development and reform, education, public security, civil affairs, finance, transportation, culture, public health and family planning, press and publication, tourism, railroad, and civil aviation under the people’s governments at or above the county level shall deliver a good performance in the construction of barrier-free environments under their respective purviews.
第六条 残疾人组织、老龄工作机构等社会组织及其他有关单位和个人有权对无障碍环境建设情况进行监督,向有关部门和单位提出意见建议;有关部门和单位应当及时办理并答复。
Article 6 Social bodies such as organizations of people with disabilities and elderly care services, as well as other relevant work units and individuals have the right to supervise the construction of barrier-free environments, and put forward suggestions to relevant agencies and work units; relevant agencies and work units shall take prompt action and make an immediate reply.
第七条 县级以上人民政府及其有关部门应当制定政策措施,鼓励和支持无障碍辅助设备、专用产品、交通工具、信息交流技术及产品的研制、开发和应用。
Article 7 People’s governments at or above the county level and relevant agencies thereunder shall formulate polices or adopt measures to encourage and support the research, development and application of barrier-free assistance equipment, special needs products, vehicles, information and communication technologies and products.
第八条 县级以上人民政府及其有关部门应当采取多种形式,宣传无障碍环境建设理念,普及无障碍环境建设知识,提高公民无障碍环境意识。
Article 8 People’s governments at or above the county level and relevant agencies thereunder shall take a variety of forms as they introduce the concept of the construction of barrier-free environments, popularize the knowledge of the construction of barrier-free environments, and raise public awareness of barrier-free environments.
The media such as radios, televisions, newspapers and periodicals, and websites shall launch pro bono publicity campaigns for the construction of barrier-free environments.
第九条 各级人民政府对在无障碍环境建设工作中做出突出贡献的单位和个人给予表彰、奖励。
Article 9 People’s governments at all levels shall give citations or awards to those work units and individuals who have made outstanding achievements in the construction of barrier-free environments.
第二章 无障碍设施建设和管理
Chapter Ⅱ Construction and Management of Barrier-Free Facilities
第十条 城镇新建、改建、扩建道路、公共建筑、公共交通设施、居住建筑、居住区,应当按照无障碍设施工程建设标准建设无障碍设施。
Article 10 Barrier-free facilities shall be constructed in accordance with the construction engineering standards as set forth for the construction of barrier-free facilities when a city or town builds, rebuilds, or broadens roads, public buildings, mass transport facilities, residential buildings, or residential areas.
第十一条 县级以上人民政府应当将乡镇、村庄无障碍设施建设纳入新农村建设规划,统筹推进,同步实施。乡镇、村庄的道路、住宅、公共服务机构和场所等应当逐步达到无障碍设施工程建设标准。
Article 11 People’s governments at or above the county level shall incorporate the construction of barrier-free facilities in towns and villages into the blueprint for the construction of new villages, and coordinate the progress and synchronize the implementation thereof. Gradual steps shall be taken to make the roads, residential houses, public services institutes and their work places in towns and villages meet the standards for the construction of barrier-free facilities.
第十二条 无障碍设施工程应当与主体工程同步设计、同步施工、同步验收投入使用,并与周边建筑物、道路的无障碍设施衔接配套。
Article 12 Barrier-free facility projects shall proceed simultaneously with their major projects in design, construction, acceptance and operation, and match and merge with the barrier-free facilities in the vicinity of buildings or roads.
第十三条 住房和城乡建设主管部门在进行建设项目设计文件审查时,对未按照国家无障碍设计工程建设标准进行无障碍设计的,不予审查通过。
Article 13 Agencies in charge of housing and rural-urban construction must not approve those construction projects with barrier-free designs that fail to meet the national construction engineering standards for barrier-free design.
第十四条 新建、改建和扩建的建设项目,建设单位在组织建设工程竣工验收时,应当邀请残疾人组织参加,对无障碍设施进行验收;对未按照批准的设计文件和施工技术标准进行无障碍设施施工的,不得通过竣工验收。
Article 14 Construction work units shall, in the completion and acceptance of a newly built, rebuilt or expanded construction project, invite organizations of people with disabilities to participate in the acceptance of barrier-free facilities; if they fail to construct barrier-free facilities in accordance with the approved design documents or engineering standards, the projects must not be approved for completion and acceptance.
第十五条 县级以上人民政府及其有关部门应当制定无障碍设施设备改造计划并组织实施,通过财政补贴、慈善募捐等措施,推进已建成设施设备的无障碍改造。
Article 15 People’s governments at or above the county level and relevant agencies thereunder shall make renovation plans for barrier-free facilities, organize the implementation thereof, and boost the barrier-free renovation of existing facilities or equipment by taking such measures as financial subsidies, or charity donations.
第十六条 公共汽车应当提供语音报站服务,逐步实现字幕
Article 16 Public buses shall provide bus stop audio announcement services, and take gradual steps to realize bus stop video announcement services and accessible travel. Public bus stations/stops shall meet the national construction standards for barrier-free facilities, and, step by step, install alert and notification devices for people with visual impairment who are waiting for the bus to identify vehicles and routes.
People’s governments in cities divided into districts shall, in light of their local realities, choose and encourage taxi operators to dedicate a certain number of their cars as accessible taxies for people with limb disabilities.
第十七条 公共停车场和大型居住区的停车场,应当按照无障碍设施工程建设标准设置并标明无障碍停车位。
Article 17 Public parking lots and parking spaces in large-scale residential areas shall, in accordance with the construction engineering standards for barrier-free facilities, set up and identify barrier-free parking spaces.
Barrier-free parking spaces shall be reserved free of charge only for motor vehicles driven or ridden in by people with limb disabilities.
第十八条 设有无障碍设施或者提供无障碍服务的公共场所,应当设置符合国家标准的无障碍标识。
Article 18 Public spaces installed with barrier-free facilities or providing barrier-free services shall set up accessibility signs that meet national standards.
第十九条 无障碍设施所有权人和管理人,应当对无障碍设施进行管理和维护,保证无障碍设施的正常使用。
Article 19 Proprietors and managers of barrier-free facilities shall administer and maintain barrier-free facilities, and ensure that their barrier-free facilities operate properly.
If there is an agreement signed between a proprietor and a manager, the person thereunder shall be responsible for the management and maintenance of the barrier-free facilities.
第二十条 任何组织和个人不得非法占用、损毁无障碍设施或者随意改变其用途。
Article 20 No organization and individual may illegally occupy or destroy barrier-free facilities, or freely change their usage.
If there is really a need to temporarily occupy barrier-free facilities under special circumstances, it must be approved by relevant agencies, and notification signs or signals shall be set up during the period of occupation. Once the period of occupation expires, barrier-free facilities shall be restored to original conditions.
第三章 无障碍信息交流
Chapter Ⅲ Barrier-Free Information and Communication
第二十一条 县级以上人民政府应当将无障碍信息交流纳入信息化建设规划,引导和鼓励有关部门、科研单位、企业及个人开展无障碍信息交流的技术、产品、服务的研发、推广和应用工作,为残疾人等社会成员获取公共信息提供便利。
Article 21 People’s governments at or above the county level shall incorporate barrier-free information and communication into their informatization construction blueprints, guide and encourage relevant agencies, research work units, enterprises, and individuals to engage in the research and development, promotion, and application of technologies, products and services in respect of barrier-free information and communication, in order to provide convenience for such social members as people with disabilities to obtain access to public information.
第二十二条 县级以上人民政府及其有关部门发布重要政府信息,以及与残疾人、老年人相关的信息,应当提供语音、文字、手语等无障碍信息交流服务。
Article 22 People’s governments at or above the county level and relevant agencies thereunder shall provide such barrier-free information and communication services as audio, word, and sign language when they publicize important government information, as well as information on people with disabilities, or elderly people.
第二十三条 省和设区的市人民政府网站、政府公益活动网站,应当逐步达到无障碍网站设计标准。
Article 23 The provincial people’s government and people governments in cities divided into districts shall take gradual steps to make their websites, or websites oriented for public good activities meet the design standards for a barrier-free website.
Websites run by people’s governments at or above the county level shall gradually take barrier-free measures to facilitate such social members as people with disabilities to obtain access to information.
Websites run by organizations of people with disabilities shall meet the design standards for a barrier-free website.
第二十四条 考试组织单位应当为残疾人参加各类升学考试、职业资格考试和任职考试提供便利。有视力残疾人参加的,应当根据需要为其提供盲文试卷、大字试卷、电子试卷,或者由工作人员予以协助。
Article 24 Work units in charge of organizing tests and examinations shall provide convenience for people with disabilities who sit for school entrance examinations, professional qualification examinations, and job qualification examinations; they shall, as necessary, provide test and examination papers in Braille, large print, or electronic form, or assistance by staff when people with visual impairment participate.
第二十五条 县级以上人民政府鼓励和支持以无障碍模式制作出版文化产品。公开出版发行的影视类录像制品应当配备字幕。
Article 25 People’s governments at or above the county level shall encourage and support the publication of cultural products in barrier-free forms. Video products such as publically distributed films and televisions shall be dubbed with subtitles.
第二十六条 省和设区的市人民政府设立的电视台在播出电视节目时应当加配字幕,每周至少播放一次配备手语的新闻节目。
Article 26 Television stations established by the provincial people’s government and people’s governments in cities divided into districts shall broadcast programs dubbed with subtitles, and offer news programs in sign language at least once in a week.
Television stations established by people’s governments at the county level shall gradually offer news and feature programs about people with disabilities with subtitles.
第二十七条 省和设区的市人民政府设立的公共图书馆应当开设视力残疾人阅览室,提供盲文读物、有声读物;县级人民政府设立的公共图书馆应当逐步开设视力残疾人阅览室;乡镇、村庄、社区设立的公共图书馆(室)应当逐步配备方便视力残疾人阅览的读物、资料。
Article 27 Public libraries established by the provincial government and people’s governments in cities divided into districts shall open reading rooms for people with visual impairment, and offer materials in Braille or audio form. Public libraries established by people’s governments at the county level shall gradually open reading rooms for people with visual impairment. Public libraries established by townships, villages, or communities shall gradually offer reading materials or documents for people with visual impairment.
Barrier-free technical measures shall be adopted for the construction of digitalized libraries to facilitate such social members as people with disabilities to obtain access to information.
第二十八条 县级以上人民政府鼓励和支持与视力、智力残疾人生命、财产安全等密切相关的日常用品信息等提示技术的研制、开发和应用,方便视力、智力残疾人能够清晰识别产品安全提示。
Article 28 People’s governments at or above the county level shall encourage and support the research, development and application of such alert and notification technologies as daily necessities information in close connection with the life and property safety of people with visual impairment or intellectual disability, so that they can clearly identify the safety alert and notification for those products.
第四章 无障碍社区服务
Chapter Ⅳ Barrier-Free Community Services
第二十九条 社区公共服务设施应当逐步完善无障碍服务功能,对不符合无障碍设施技术标准的应当进行改造,为残疾人、老年人等社会成员参与社区生活提供便利。
Article 29 Public service facilities in communities shall gradually improve functions of barrier-free services while those that do not meet the technical standards for barrier-free facilities shall be renovated in order to provide convenience to such social members as people with disabilities or elderly people.
第三十条 各级人民政府应当完善具备图文信息报警、呼叫功能报警、医疗急救等紧急呼叫系统的建设,方便残疾人、老年人等社会成员报警、呼救。
Article 30 People’s governments at all levels shall improve the construction of such emergency call systems as word and image information alert, call alert, or medical emergency for such social members as people with disabilities or elderly people, in order to provide convenience when they call and seek help in emergencies.
第三十一条 县级以上人民政府可以对有需求的贫困残疾
Article 31 People’s governments at or above the county level may give necessary subsidies to poverty-stricken families of people with disabilities when they renovate their barrier-free facilities.
Real property management agencies shall give the green light to such social members as people with disabilities or elderly people when they, based on their actual needs, conduct barrier-free renovations to their houses insofar as they do not compromise the safety and usage by other people; property management shall provide convenience for them.
第三十二条 行政机关、社会团体以及基层群众自治组织、住宅区业主委员会等组织选举的单位,应当为残疾人参加选举提供便利,并根据需要为视力残疾人提供盲文选票或协助。
Article 32 Election-organizing work units such as administrative agencies, social bodies, as well as autonomous organizations run by the grass roots, or real estate owners committees shall provide convenience to people with disabilities who participate in the elections, and provide, as necessary, ballots in Braille, or assistance to people with visual impairment.
第三十三条 城市应急避难场所应完善无障碍服务功能,制定实施残疾人应急避难预案,对工作人员进行无障碍服务培训。
Article 33 Emergency shelters in cities shall improve functions of barrier-free services, work out and implement emergency shelter plans for people with disabilities, and provide barrier-free services trainings to their staff.
第五章 法律责任
Chapter Ⅴ Legal Liabilities
第三十四条 无障碍环境建设主管部门工作人员在工作中滥用职权、玩忽职守、徇私舞弊,由其所在单位或者上级主管部门依法给予行政处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。
Article 34 If any members of staff in agencies in charge of the construction of barrier-free environments abuse their powers, neglect their duties, or commit illegalities for personal gains, the work units employing them, or agencies in charge at the next higher level shall, in accordance with law, give administrative sanctions; if a crime is constituted, criminal liabilities shall be investigated for in accordance with law.
第三十五条 有下列行为之一,由住房和城乡建设主管部门依法予以处罚。
Article 35 Agencies in charge of housing and rural-urban development shall, in accordance with law, impose penalties to any of the following acts:
1. where design work units fail to design in accordance with the national mandatory standards in respect of barrier-free facilities design;
2. where construction work units fail to construct in accordance with the approved construction maps, design documents, and relevant technical specifications; and
3. where supervision work units fail to supervise in accordance with the relevant design documents, technical specifications of barrier-free facilities, and supervision practices.
第三十六条 无障碍设施所有权人和管理人,未按计划进行无障碍改造或者未对无障碍设施进行管理和维护的,由相关主管部门责令限期改正。
Article 36 If proprietors and managers of barrier-free facilities fail to conduct barrier-free renovations according to plans, or fail to manage and maintain barrier-free facilities, relevant agencies in charge shall order it be corrected within a limited period of time.
If the personal safety and property of users is compromised as a result of failing to conduct proper management and timely maintenance, the proprietor and manager of barrier-free facilities shall be liable for compensations.
第三十七条 损坏无障碍设施、标志,并影响无障碍设施使用的,由主管部门依照《中华人民共和国治安管理处罚法》等法律法规予以处罚;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。
Article 37 Where damages to barrier-free facilities or signs are incurred, and subsequently compromise the usage of barrier-free facilities, agencies in charge shall, in accordance with such laws and regulations as Law of the People’s Republic of China on Administration of Penalties for Public Security, impose penalties; if a crime is constituted, criminal liabilities shall be investigated for in accordance with law.
第三十八条 违反本办法相关规定,公共图书馆未设立视力残疾人阅览室,未提供盲文读物、有声读物的,由文化主管部门责令改正。
Article 38 If public libraries, in violation of these Measures, fail to open reading rooms for people with visual impairment, or fail to provide reading materials in Braille or audio form, agencies in charge of culture shall order it be corrected.
第六章 附 则
Chapter Ⅵ Supplementary Provision
第三十九条 本办法自2015年10月15日起施行。
Article 39 These Measures shall be effective as from October 15, 2015.
本文来源: 法制办
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