I never thought and believed Police in China could be so friendly and that kind-hearted.
On 28th December, 2014, I arrived in Taiyuan very late from Yulin. As a foreigner, who does not know Taiyuan that much, I ordered a taxi to take me to my place in Yuci.
However, the driver could not locate my place. I had no option to be left on my own fate.
I quickly called the Police Emergency number, 110. To my outermost dismay, the Police arrived just so quick. I could not believe my eyes.
At midnight, at about 12:15am and with the weather so cold, they were with me, stood by me and did everything possible to help me.
I must say, that was the amazing thing I have ever seen with any Police anywhere around the world-To stand along with a foreigner, in a very cold weather for almost half an hour doing everything possible to help a foreigner get home safely? Woow ! That was so splendid!
Finally, the most amazing thing happened. They Shanxi Police Emergency Team, led by the Leader, decided to drive me home by themselves. Wow ! I could not believe myself that could happen. They had to abonden the rest of their duties, to drive me home. All the way from Taiyuan to Yuci, that was so wonderful.
I, by this, letter want to really show my deepest appreciation to the management, the Leader and all the team of the Shanxi Police for all the help you offered me. I am really most grateful to you all. Keep the good work up, Chinese Police. You are doing a very marvelous work.
Once again, thank you very much.
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